What is the Macdonald memorial Award?
The Macdonald Memorial Award was established in June 1954 in memory of the founder of the MFNZ Mr Fred Macdonald. The design of the trophy was to be worthy of the founder of the MFNZ and the criteria for selection of recipients was to reflect the outstanding contribution that Fred Macdonald gave to New Zealand Model Aeronautics.
This award is considered to be the most prestigious award that can be bestowed on a person for the most outstanding contribution in any sphere to New Zealand Model Aeronautics.
On the 17thJune 1954 the NZMAA Council approved the Macdonald Memorial Trust to administer the Macdonald Memorial Award. The Trustees are made up of a representative from the Macdonald family, nominated representative from MFNZ and other persons drawn from the MFNZ membership who have an active involvement in the area of Model Aeronautics, are of good standing within the aeronautical fraternity and have served on MFNZ Council, SIG’s, or member clubs committees.
Rules Governing Nominations for the Award:
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Applications in writing, will only be considered from groups that is; Macdonald Memorial Award Trustees, MFNZ Council, MFNZ affiliated Club Committees, and Special Interest Groups (SIG) of MFNZ.
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Nominations for the award are considered yearly. Applications may be received at any time during the calendar year but no later than the 31st of October of that calendar year.
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There is no limit to the number of applications any group may submit. All applicants must have made an outstanding contribution toward Model Aeronautics in New Zealand. Advancements or outstanding achievements in any sphere of model aeronautics can be considered for example: – records (World or NZ), International wins, administrative work, technical and design developments, and furthering aeromodelling in New Zealand.
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Nominations in writing on the official nomination form, to include a summary of the reasons for nomination, any supportive documents/information to support the application and a photograph of the nominee.
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On completion, please forward this Nomination Form, with all supporting information to the Secretary of the Macdonald Memorial Trust not later than the 31st of October for consideration by the Trustees.
The Trust Secretary
Macdonald Memorial Trust
Click to download the Nomination Form
Macdonald Memorial Award List of Recipients:
Name |
Year |
Awarded for |
Robert Wallace | 2023 | Robert has been a member of the Free Flight SIG for many years and currently holds the position of Chairman. His achievements in his chosen sports of Control Line and F1A and F1H glider in World Championships has been outstanding. Manager, competitor, Team Manager, and helper in FAI F1A and F1H World Cup events both in New Zealand and overseas at Lost Hills California. Robert has served as Team Manager and Assistant Judge in Control Line World Champs. When the flying field for the Glider World Championship became unavailable here in New Zealand, he was part of the team who arranged the event to take place in Lost Hills America, thus keeping these events in New Zealand’s control. As a competitor in his chosen sport, Robert has achieved many successes both in World and New Zealand championships. He has been a willing administrator and helper for Free Flight and Control Line events for the past 40 years. He has written several articles that have been published in Model Flying World and continues as scribe for the Free Flight SIG page. Robert also provides a service to members providing Diesel fuel and hard to get Free light parts. |
Barrie Russell | 2022 | Barrie has a given exceptional service in all positions on the club committee over many years. He was the principal driver/organiser in the procurement and development of the Club’s flying field to a high standard allowing for the hosting National R/C and Vintage competitions. As well as being Editor of the Club monthly newsletter Propwash, he has contributed technical and building articles in MFW and overseas magazines. Barrie is an enthusiastic committee member of the Vintage SIG, promoting aeromodelling with his willingness in helping and advising other modellers. |
Stan Mauger | 2021 | Stan has contributed to the modelling community both at a national and international level. He has given outstanding service with his involvement in the FF& CL Scale SIG, organising both the Nationals and the Trans Taman FF Scale competition for the SIG. During his time on the SIG (20 years) Stan has served in every position and currently holds the position of Charman. In an effort to generate more participation in Scale he introduced new competitions which were designed to increase participation in FF&CL Scale at a national and local level. He also established and runs the successful indoor event held at Morrinsville.As an independent competitor Stan competed in the BMFA Nationals and gained 1st place with his model. Stan has been successful at the national and local events over a long period of time.Over the years Stan has published several articles and competition reports both in New Zealand and overseas. Stan was requested to write an article on non-Radio Control Scale for CIAM News. This was a great honour as CIAM are the governing body for aeromodelling and CIAM News is sent worldwide. Stan now publishes Scale News which is designed to encompass all scale and encourage those reading the publication to give scale a go.At the club level Stan has served in most positions and has held the position of Bulletin Editor for 10 years, producing the AMAC Club Bulletin Slipstream which has received international recognition. |
William (Bill) McGarvey | 2020 | New Zealand Representation. Bill has represented New Zealand on the C.I.A.M Free Flight Sub Committee. and been a member of the New Zealand team in at least 14 International or Trans-Tasman competitions in his chosen disciplines of A2 and F1A. and acted as Team Manager on several occasions. Service to the Members. While being highly competitive Bill has also given his time back to the Free Flight members of the Association joining the Free Flight SIG in 1989 as Special Projects Manager where he organised and ran several Free Flight Champs and coordinated fundraising to send NZ’s first Junior to the World Junior Champs in Mostar Yugoslavia and continued on to be Chairman of SIG in 2001. He still supports the FF SIG keeping an eye on trials, rules and tactical direction of the SIG.Special Achievement. Bill wrote a two-part article for MFW titled “The Martin Dilley years” about New Zealand’s longest serving CIAM representative and his years as proxy flyer for New Zealand competitors at International World Champs. This article was important as it is part of the past history of MFNZ.Technical Achievements Bill has designed and improved his models for competition flying making such design/improvements freely available.Fostering Model Aviation. Over the years Bill has written articles, organised and run workshops and with his history of International and National competition, highlighted his commitment to model aviation.Service to his Club Bill has been associated with both the Piako and AMAC Clubs and held the positions of President, Secretary and Bulletin Editor. |
Frazer Briggs | 2019 | Frazer Briggs has been a promotor of RC modelling for 30 years. He has served on the IMAC and MFNZ Pattern SIG’s committees for 15 years and has been a strong leader in the organising of competitions and training sessions which have seen the numbers in both these organisations grow. Frazer represented New Zealand in the 1994 and 2005 World Aerobatics Championships in F3A as well as being a member of the Trans-Tasman F3A team for the last 19 years. He has competed in the USA Tuscon Shoot Out for IMAC Large Model Aerobatics winning his class in 1999 and 2004. In New Zealand he has competed in the Nationals in a number of events where he has won many Championships.His performance of free style aerobatics at major aviation events has done much to promote Model Aviation in New Zealand. In 1998 Frazer was awarded the Royal New Zealand Aeroclub “Notable Achievement Award” and in 2013 he was inducted into MFNZ Hall of Fame and was recognised as a worthy Ambassador for Model Flying New Zealand.The Macdonald Memorial Award Trustees are pleased to endorse the nomination of Frazer for his support of his chosen sport, International exposure of model aviation and the encouragement, knowledge and experience he has passed on to the members of Model Flying New Zealand. |
Jonathan Shorer | 2018 | Jonathan has given outstanding service to the modelling community with his service as Area Representative for the lower North Island, service on Council as Area Representative, President and the Manager of the Nationals and continuing on in his present role as Secretary. During his role as President he has written and reviewed many important documents including the Association Constitution, to modernise and standardise these documents. As Nationals Manager he has introduced new procedures to streamline the areas of administration and introduced a financing system which provided for the SIG’s to pay for their individual events costs. His commitment extended outside the duties as President as Team Manager for 4 NZ F3K and F3J world championship soaring teams, promoting MFNZ at many events and supported the new sport of drone racing organising drone racing at his own residence. His most noticeable service is representing the Association with the CAA and other aviation bodies to ensure that model aviation is represented and having a direct input on the many rule changes to ensure the existing rules concerning the operation of model aircraft were not compromised in any way. |
John Ensoll | 2017 | John has been involved at all levels of model aviation both personally as a competitor flying in his chosen disciplines of Free Flight and Radio Control Soaring and at a management level on his Club Committee serving in all positions over the years. He has contributed to the wider aeromodelling community serving on various committees including the Soaring SIG, SIMAA administration team, National and International Team Manager and currently represents RC Modelling on the Airspace Users Safety Committee that oversees the activities of all air space users around Christchurch. John served on the organising committee responsible for the inaugural 1974 Trans-Tasman Radio Control competition. John was awarded the MFNZ gold badge for six or more team representations including the 1970 Trans-Tasman Free Flight Competition. John also holds several National and International records. His service as Editor of the MFNZ “The Model Flyers World” allowed him to foster and benefit model aviation which is recognised in various published promotional information and training material. He has been involved in youth activities such as schools, ATC and promoting model aviation at air shows. He has designed a wide variety of soaring models which were instrumental in providing an affordable way for many to enter thermal and slope soaring disciplines. |
Graham Main | 2016 | Graham has demonstrated the true meaning of dedication and encouragement to his chosen sport of model aircraft building and flying. He has performed outstanding service to the NZMAA and its members as Secretary of the Vintage SIG over a period of 14 years, Editor of AVANS for 12 years, promoted the sport of model flying with articles in the National Magazine Model Flyers world for a total of 14 years and serving as Contest Director at National events, all of which have been a major contribution to his chosen sport. Graham was a founder member of the Whangarei Model Aero Club, currently holding the position of Secretary, and has served in various committee positions in the club’s he has belonged to. Graham has participated in Scale, R/C, Free flight and Vintage events and has passed on his knowledge to others and provided initial training to many prospective fliers. |
Don Robinson | 2015 | Don has demonstrated the true meaning of dedication and encouragement to his chosen sport Control Line. He has performed outstanding service to the NZMAA and its members as Recording Officer from 1998 – 2002 and has served on the Control Line Special Interest Group for many years. His dedication in promotion and support to Control Line competition both in New Zealand and Nationally is well documented. He is the holder of the MFNZ gold badge presented as having represented New Zealand in 5 international F2B and F2C events He has had a long standing involvement in the organisation and management of the Trans-Tasman, National and Club competitions. He was instrumental in establishing the control line circles at Clareville and New Plymouth. He has served in various positions in his Club. |
Dave Falconer | 2014 | Dave has performed the following outstanding services for his Club and MFNZ membership. Administration Service: on Council in the position of president, Secretary and Treasurer on his club committee and principle organiser of the model presence at the International Wanaka Airshow. Competition: Contestant in several Trans Tasman events, South Island Radio Champion in the late 1960’s. Fostering Model Aviation: Introduced model aviation at the International Wanake Airshow, arranged for a New Zealand aerobatic champion to display model flying at the show. This provided International exposure for the Association its members and model aviation in particular. |
Michael Taylor | 2013 | Michael was selected for the following outstanding service and achievement:- National Administrative Service:- Michael was the principle researcher and compiler of the first 50 years history of the NZMAA National Competition which resulted in the publication of a book with Michael being recognised as a co-author. Michael is also compiling the history of the NZMAA for the years 1948 to 1978 documenting and collating a vast amount of material contained in the NZMAA archives and from other members of the Association. This is of significant importance to the NZMAA and its members the result of which will see a permanent record being retained for the Association. Club Administration:- Michael is documenting the AMAC Clubs records and has served on the committee for 20 years in positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Bulletin Editor and Committee Member. Outstanding Achievement:- Completing the history of the Nationals and completing a significent portion of the NZMAA History Project which is on going. |
Peter Salmond | 2012 | Outstanding service in administration at Club level and as Area Representative for MFNZ – organisation in raising funds to stage the Club display at the Wanaka Airshow and organisational duties connected with the display-promotion of model aviation at Club and MFNZ public displays at Wanaka Airshow -fostering model aviation holding regular club “build nights” for young members -participation at National and International Competitions. |
Allen Lawrence | 2011 | Outstanding service to his club as Secretary-represented NZMAA as Area Representative-competed in National and International competitions in C/L aerobatics and R/C Scale-fostering C/L flying-promoting aeromodeling with his willingness in helping and advising other modellers . |
Richard Tier | 2010 | Outstanding administrative service as a founding member of his club-fostering and training new members-driving force behind the establishment of his clubs flying site and amenities-fostering events such as pylon, MANZ rallies and scale competitions. |
Antony Groenewegen | 2009 | Administration services at Club, Regional and National level-Organiser of the 61st Nationals-principle organiser in the raising of funds to send a Club Junior to the International Junior F/F Champs. |
A.James | 1998 | For outstanding service to the NZMAA members as Liaison Officer for the National Competitions organising venues and permissions from the local land owners. |
M. Fairgray | 1997 | Outstanding administrative work as NZMAA Secretary producing operating and training manuals for Council, Clubs and SIGS, holding training courses for various individuals and committees-work as organising Secretary of the annual National Competition. |
G and P Mildenhall | 1994 | Outstanding contribution as Editor and Assistance Editor of the NZMAA publication The Flyer’s World lifting its presentation and content to a world class publication. |
B. Sutton | 1992 | Outstanding administrative work as the NZMAA and Nationals Recording Officer. |
L.H. Dickens | 1991 | Outstanding leadership and management as President of the NZMAA keeping the Association from folding due to lack of finances-establishing procedure manuals and missions and goals for the Association-introducing computer management systems for the Nationals. |
M.R. Brider | 1990 | For outstanding work as Editor of the NZMAA publication The Flyer’s World in the development and professional presentation of the magazine. |
W.A.A. Manson | 1989 | For work with young people fostering enthusiasm in the sport providing building and flying classes, and assistance at both National and International competitions. |
R. Lewis | 1987 | Founder and editor of the FONZ News for Free Flight-representing NZ in five NZ International teams-administrative work on the F/F Advisory Committee. |
G.H. Westland | 1980 | Development of high performance control line engines- contribution to control line especially in the field of safety. |
M. Dilly (U.K.) | 1971 | Services towards NZ entries in World Championships acting as NZ representative and proxy flying NZ entries-NZ representation at FAI meetings in Paris-providing technical information to the NZ contest flyers. |
P.H. Lagan | 1968 | Noteworthy model flying achievements-administrative work-promoting model flying as a sport particularly pylon racing. |
W. Cook | 1963 | Establishment of the world respected Upper Hutt Bulletins providing plans, technical and general modeling information taken up by several overseas publications-representing NZ in three World championships-promotion of sport of NZ model aircraft generally. |
I.B. Barber | 1961 | Development and experimentation of R/C gliders culminating in setting a world record in R/C Glider Duration of 9 hours 4 minutes. |
J Sheppard | 1960 | Promoting Aeromodelling in NZ and overseas-Team Manager 1959 Wakefield and Nordic Teams in England- Representing NZ at the FAI meeting at Paris. |
D.R. Kennedy | 1958 | No Record |
A.R. Rowe | 1957 | Contribution to NZ Model Aviation and service on the NZMAA Council. |
F.D. Bethwaite | 1956 | Representing NZ on the International Board of the FAI. |
F.D. Bethwaite | 1955 | Achievements of his achievements in the R/C field culminating in two world records for R/C sailplane flight. |
L.H. Wright | 1954 | Contribution to the pioneering of early Radio Control systems in New Zealand. |
The list above shows the recipients of the Macdonald Memorial Award, along with the year they received the award and the achievements or contributions that led to their recognition. The Macdonald Memorial Award is given to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service and dedication to the model aviation community in New Zealand.